HTC is a Taiwanese consumer electronics company that was founded in 1997. The company is known as an original design manufacturer and initially made smartphones that operated on the Windows OS. The first windows phone introduced by HTC was the HTC HD2 that had a capacitive touch screen. In February 2011, the brand was named as the “ Device Manufacturer of the year” by GSM Association in Global Mobile Award. After becoming the co-founding member of Open Handset Alliance, the company introduced the first Android smartphone named T-Mobile G1 or HTC Dream.
In early 2012, HTC failed to get much market share after the increase in competition with other brands like Apple and Samsung. As of 2013, the company accounted for only 9.3% of the US smartphone market. According to Maitres, The reason behind getting a low market share is that they failed to provide innovation in the smartphone space as they are putting their majority investment on other platforms like Vive virtual reality, VR now XR, etc.
Today, the company manufactures both Androids and Window-based smartphones. In this section, you can find out the different htc smartphone models that are available in the market. Our website is regularly updated with the latest HTC phones prices in Pakistan.
Each HTC smartphone listed contains a detailed description including the specification and their latest prices for 2021 available in Pakistan.
HTC Mobile Phones