IPhone 12 mini, Failed To Get Much Attention From Users.

Apple provided a ton of options to buyers who are looking for an iPhone with their release of series 12  in 2020. The company has launched its four new models at different prices. The new line-up includes iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, and iPhone 12 mini. 

After the launch of the iPhone 12 line-up in October and November, iPhone 12 itself had a 27% share from total iPhone sales but what disappointed Apple was the iPhone 12 mini that garnered only 6% sales in the period and failed to get much attention from the buyers. It seems like the 5.4-inch screen reduces its appeal due to the higher price as compared to the other three models. However, the remaining two models including 12 pro and 12 pro max grabbed a 20% share of the total sales.

The main reason behind fewer sales of the iPhone 12 mini is its lack of features. The smartphone retails at a massive $699 while you can get better specs in other 12 series models. Even the iPhone 11 seems to be a better choice that offers a better battery and camera at a lower price as compared to the iPhone 12 mini.

The iPhone 12 line-up was more successful as compared to its predecessor. The Consumer Intelligence Research Partners (CIRP) report indicates that the data of year-over-year sales of the iPhone 12 line-up was higher than that of the iPhone 11. 

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