Tax Calculator Pakistan

Monthly Income
Monthly Tax
Monthly Income After Tax
Yearly Income
Yearly Tax
Yearly Income After Tax

Slab 2022-2023

  1. In case the taxable salary income does not cross Rs. 600,000, the income tax rate will be 0%.
  2. In case the taxable salary income crosses Rs. 600,000 but does not surpass Rs. 1,200,000 the income tax rate will be 2.5% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 600,000.
  3. In case the taxable salary income crosses Rs. 1,200,000 but does not surpass Rs. 2,400,000 the income tax rate will be Rs. 15,000+12.5% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 1,200,000.
  4. In case the taxable salary income crosses Rs. 2,400,000 but does not surpass Rs. 3,600,000 the income tax rate will be Rs. 165,000 + 20% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 2,400,000.
  5. In case the taxable salary income surpasses Rs. 3,600,000 but does not cross Rs. 6,000,000 the income tax rate will be Rs. 405,000 + 25% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 3,600,000.
  6. In case the taxable salary income surpasses Rs. 6,000,000 but does not cross Rs. 12,000,000 the income tax rate will be Rs. 1,005,000 + 32.5% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 6,000,000.
  7. In case the taxable salary income crosses Rs. 12,000,000 the income tax rate will be Rs. 2,955,000 + 35% of the amount that exceeds Rs. 12,000,000.

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The above tax calculator for Pakistan is subject to change as per the budget for each fiscal year. The current tax slabs are adjusted for the fiscal year 2022-23 in accordance with the 2022 financial budget.