30 Best Business Ideas in Pakistan – Updated List (2023)


Nowadays, the young generation of Pakistan is becoming more business enthusiastic. Rather than working a 9 to 6 job, they opt to become their own bosses and set up their own workspaces.

If you are looking to start your own small-scale business, we have compiled below a list of profitable small business ideas for you. Become a successful business owner in just a couple of months.

Best Business Ideas in Pakistan

Here are 30 best business ideas in Pakistan that have the potential to soar, without placing a dent in your bank account. Have a look:

1 – Blogging:

Blogging isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but if you have the passion to write about meaningful topics that you think will definitely attract your reader’s eye, then this can be a simple way to lock in a little extra something at the end of each month. Start by registering your blog and getting proper hosting, now don’t forget to customize it.

The best part is it is next to nothing on the investment scale, so if you are up for a little challenge, and again, love to voice your opinion with carefully curated written pieces, this a surefire low investment idea specifically for you.

2 – Freelance Content Writing:

This is a no-investment idea that allows work from home, on the go or actually however you like. It requires no technical knowledge unless the topics at hand are technical in nature. It only requires that you are familiar with and confident in all aspects of the English language.

3 – Website Developer:

Today, every company requires a well-designed website to generate sales and profits. By building websites on platforms like WordPress, you can start a small business if you are skilled and knowledgeable in web development. For additional revenue, you can also make WordPress themes.

4 – Catering:

Enjoy cooking? Why not make some money doing what you love to do? Try small events at first in your local neighborhood and surrounding areas by cooking out of your own kitchen. That gives you more than enough time to understand the challenges that you will face if, and when, you do plan on taking it to the next level.

Catering is a fun way to branch out into Event Planning and Management as well. If you start off small as mentioned above it gets easier to make a transition and score a few birthdays and tea parties that can later develop into grander and more refined events.

5 – Coffee House / Tea Room:

Cafés and coffee houses are finding their way into our daily routines. They are becoming a common place to meet up for a late breakfast on the weekends or a small laidback gathering to unwind after work. In the last thirty years alone Pakistan’s coffeehouse industry has tripled its size.

Well, if you are looking to join the coffeehouse bandwagon, analyze the market situation of your targeted area first. Keep in mind, demand and preferred tastes, effective and attention-grabbing marketing strategies and how to set yourself apart: your individuality. It’s really important for your customer to know how to differentiate from the rest.

6 – DayCare:

This is an extraordinary investment for any individual who is eager to take care of young kids not ready for school yet. If your target is to provide a safe yet playful environment and take measures accordingly you are pretty much all set. All you need is your investment for the area, equipment, food and first aid.

7 – Digital Marketing Service:

Since the world today is all about digitalization, Social Media Platforms have become the latest, and effective, marketing tool. So if you know a thing or two about digital marketing, this is definitely an option with endless possibilities. It is a field with vast potential and is an investment worthwhile. You might also explore being an affiliate marketer, which is another type of digital marketing. However, before you begin, ensure that your business plan is achievable. Talk about it with people who are qualified.

8 – EBook Publishing:

For those who love a good book and possess amazing writing skills, EBook Publishing is an astoundingly entertaining source of income. There are a couple of websites that allow EBook publishing for free, including amazon. Your earnings though depend mainly on the quality of your work. Royalties and collaborations are also additional channels that can help add to your overall income.

9 – E-Commerce Business:

Conventional businesses requiring physical interaction are now declining especially after COVID-19. Alternatively, this has allowed an increase in e-commerce sites all over the globe. New and existing businesses alike, are leaning towards creating and improving their online stores.

With the help of free e-commerce platforms, you can create a store having an unforgettable user interface and a streamlined user experience all from the comfort of your home. Make shopping easier for your customer and your business easy for you.

10 – Fish Farm:

This sector has unlimited potential as a money-making business. The areas in NWFP and north of Punjab, are best suited for fishery development as the water underground is sweet.

It is however important to mention that this isn’t one of your basic “low investment” ideas. You would have to make significant financial outlays, including those for equipment, feed, medical care, transportation, and harvesting.

11 – Food Truck:

If you aren’t interested in the coffee house idea because of lack of initial finances, then this is the option for you. Food Trucks are significantly cheaper to set up as compared to a sit-down with a good ambiance.

Simple menus and good clean food, this is the most important thing you need to have while offering Food Truck services. Other than the food, of course, is the location that matters the most. You want to select a location that appeals to your targeted audience.

12 – Photography:

The simplest way to start off is to go out for a stroll with your DSLR camera and creativity in high gear. Later post the clicks to a photography page and see yourself grow. You can also expand your business to include event photography which is ceaselessly requiring a good photographer with an original perspective while capturing moments forever.

Another trending aspect of photography that skilled and futuristic photographers would enjoy participating in is – commercial photography. Companies require attractive and modern pictures for their online stores. Although this will require additional equipment, it is nothing you can collect over a period of time.

13 – Gift Basket Making:

People love to show their loved ones they care. What better way than to surprise them with an assortment of products suited to their originality? If you are artistic and resourceful and know how to present gifts, you will find this the best thing on the list.

Personalized gift baskets are easy for you to assemble and so will require a low investment leaving you a higher profit margin. If you really want to keep your investment at a minimum link yourself with an influencer and couple yourself with afew popular brands. You will find your business spread all over social media in no time.

14 – Graphic Designing:

Graphic Designing is used in many forms in every business. Logos, business cards, letterheads, and brochures are needed by every company. And if you don’t have any formal education in Graphic Designing you can effortlessly learn from online websites such as Coursera, and YouTube, without any charge. Your investment- a laptop and a strong internet connection. That is it.

15 – Green Energy:

Worldwide people are looking into less expensive energy alternatives. Pakistan is no different. It is a new industry and will have quite a few obstacles, but what’s the fun if everything is so simple. The benefits and profits are more than enough of a reason to be motivated to invest in this industry.

Green energy originates from natural sources including sunlight, rain, wind, tides, plants, and geothermal heat. Since these forms of energy are renewable, as in replenished naturally, they are independent of finite resources and are less taxing on the environment.

16 – GYM:

With moderate capital, you could also start a small-scale gym. Convert a spacious room in your house, by adding easy-to-acquire gym equipment from different vendors at affordable prices. Just make sure you take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of all clients during yoga/workout sessions.

Ask your neighbors and friends to join and spread the word of your gym. If you are really enthusiastic about encouraging a healthy lifestyle, don’t miss out on the opportunity to offer healthy snacks and drinks to your clients. You can charge a monthly subscription fee covering food and exercise to help keep up with running costs.

17 – Hair, Nail, Or Beauty Salon:

Just like apparel and food, Hair and Skincare aren’t far behind on scalable businesses. Hair, nail, and beauty salons have become a popular visits by many women.

However, initially, Salon startups are quite cash-consuming. Hence they require complete and all-inclusive planning. Your business plan should include all services you can offer, both, technically and financially.

18 – Investment – Collectibles & Antiques:

As of 2020, IBIS World’s statistic claims the size of the Online Antiques & Collectibles Sales market is worth $1.5billion. Why not take advantage of Pakistan’s share with your business?

No need to invest in a heavy duty website in the first-go. Take it slow and invest in a couple of valuable pieces. Place your items on Facebook, Instagram, and OLX.

19 – Investment – Startups:

There are many startups just waiting for the right investors. This is the best option if you have an extra amount that you’d like to not spend uselessly on late-night fast food. Your investment will be used by the startup to launch their business. In return, you will receive a fixed, mutually agreed-upon, amount.

It’s also fun to join forces with a couple of friends and invests that you know everyone on board and feel secure during the entire process.

20 – Mobile Accessories Dealer:

Mobile devices have taken over. People from every age group, and social and economic background may possess one or two mobile devices each. This means the demand for mobile accessories will also rise. A business dealing in affordable and unique mobile accessories will quickly find its standing in the market.

Momentarily, this is one of the most favored ideas invested in as it does not require you to own a set of specialized skills.

21 – Mushroom Cultivation:

As funny as it sounds – we are serious. This unusual idea is extremely popular and rapidly gaining popularity. The reason for that is fairly simple. Limited capital, basic equipment, and a little mushroom farming knowledge are required to get you up and running.

22 – Organic Farm:

More and more people are reverting to traditionally cultivated produce as the world has realized the harm and dangers of mass-produced genetically modified vegetables and fruits. One report has documented that nearly 33% of farmers have already made the switch to organic.

Depending on the scale of your farm, it will definitely require some investment. An organic farm continually requires money to keep with demands and changes which is why could even choose to finance cultivators if you feel like you want to skip out on the actual farming.

23 – Personal / Private Chef:

Private Chef works in a single household full-time, cooking each meal, every day of the month. Private Chefs are part of the domestic staff and can be provided accommodation based on their employer’s preference. A Personal Chef isn’t confined to a single family.

Personal and private chefs are accountable for cooking and safely packaging accurately labeled dishes. On special occasions, an employer may require a personal chef to organize and manage a team of cooks and become a caterer for the event.

24 – Bee-Keeping:

Beekeeping is an economical and beneficial business to participate in. Grab a variety of flowers and a couple of wooden hives and you are good to go. After you join the bee farming community, move your business out of your backyard and start to sell bee wax and royal jelly in addition to honey.

Anyhow, if you feel you are inexperienced and need some help, you can consult Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC). They offer top-class training to individuals and groups willing to learn bee-keeping business management skills. You can also have special training courses arranged on request.

25 – Poultry Farm:

Currently, the poultry sector generates incomes and jobs for approximately 1.5 million people. With a yearly growth rate of 10-12%, it is one the most organized branches of our country’s agro-based sector.

There are four main divisions of a Poultry farm, Breeding/Hatchery, meat production, Egg Production, and Feed production. Large-scale poultry farms with higher levels of investment go for all four, but you can stick to any single field and still succeed.

Again our advice is if you are unwilling to get into the technical aspects of farming your best bet is to finance an existing or start-up poultry farm, as they need the money and you save the effort. It’s a win-win.

26 – Real Estate:

In Pakistan, this is probably the most popular industry that people tend to invest in, other than gold. As soon as they have a handsome amount they buy a property and just forget it for a while. Although some construct a home or office for rent purposes, their primary focus stays on allowing the property to hit a certain value before they consider selling.

27 – Translator:

The only investment – learn a language. The National University of Modern Languages (NUML) offers a variety of language courses to help you achieve this goal, learn a language and acquire a rare skill, often leading to higher pay scales. Quite a lot of companies search for people who can translate languages for them. There are several online courses available as well for students or busy individuals who can’t take the time to join a full-time course at a university.

28 – Online Tutor:

Online tutors are in high demand after COVID-19, even domestically. People feel more confident in protecting their children without compromising their study time.

Many teachers and students have opted to pick up a few online tutoring jobs to collect extra cash at the end of the month. You can turn this into a full-time source of income with flexible schedules and convenience. All you need is your expert knowledge on the subject of your choice, a laptop, and a strong internet connection.

29 – Vacation Host:

Pakistan is one of those countries that is rich in scenic beauty and interesting culture. Whether it’s the ice-capped mountains in the background of Saif Ul MalookLake or the unique ancient Hinduism-like culture preserved in Kalash, Pakistan is jampacked with cultural diversity and foods to experience.

So offering that spare room in your home for national or international visitors is a fun way to earn a small sum of additional cash. You will have to invest quite a bit of time rather than huge finances, which is certainly a plus.

30 – YouTube channel

It is no secret that popular YouTubers like Ducky bhai and Maaz Safdere are generating thousands of dollars from their channels. If you also want to earn through youtube, all you need is a setting and an interesting subject. As soon as your idea is ready, start making videos and posting them to YouTube. If your channel gains enough traction on YouTube, they might even pay you.

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