Bull Pair Sold for a Whopping Rs. 1 Crore in Islamabad


As reported by T 4 Tamasha, a pair of bulls were sold for approx Rs. 1 crore in Islamabad’s I-15 Mandi. The YouTube channel surveys various animal markets across Pakistan and was covering the opening of the VIP section of the I-15 Mandi in Islamabad.

As they interviewed various merchants, a seller informed them about making the biggest sale worth approx 1 crore.

The seller had sold 12 bulls and had made the biggest profit out of the bull pair that sold for an approx 1 crore rupees.

The high cost is not unheard of, as a pair of Buffalo calves were sold for Rs. 1.5 crore last year in Multan.

As Eid-ul-Adha approaches, more stories like this are expected.

Considering the current status of the country, the middle class struggles to make ends meet, while on the other hand, such extravagant purchases by the upper class never go out of mainstream media.

Every year, healthy and beautiful animals are sold for unimaginable prices while the cost of even average animals is raised beyond the reach of the lower class.

As time passes, we hope the culture and the true essence of Bari Eid remains intact, and we can all benefit from the blessing of the holy event.

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