Hilarious Indian News Report on Cyclone Showing Florida in Background Goes Viral


Who says the news is boring?

With Indian news channels like this, any news can become a meme.

Recently the news channel R or Republic went viral for its hilarious portrayal of cyclone Biparjoy. The news channel showed Florida in the background and a newscaster with an umbrella swaying with the wind.

The newscaster does a great job of making people laugh amid the fear of the powerful cyclone. Her acting skills are remarkable, and so is her amazing background, which is out of this continent.


The clip shared by a Pakistani on Twitter got a lot of attention, with people across borders sharing their views.

Some showed their views about Indian news channels being so dramatic and entertaining, while some didn’t take the joke well.

funny indinan news channel

Regardless, in a time like this, clips like these are what we live for, and we are happy to see our neighbors doing such a good job of keeping us all entertained.

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