12 Things to Consider While Choosing a Name for Your Blogging Website

blog name ideas

Naming a blog is challenging. All bloggers have once been at a stage where we endlessly list blog names but don’t easily come up with one that we are looking for. 

A name can shape or break the success of your blog. When starting a blog, coming up with an enticing name is the very first step. It will surely take some strong efforts to create an amazing blog name that makes the blog memorable and well-visited in the long run. 

12 Amazing Blog Name Ideas

Listed below are some of the best strategies and tips for amazing blog name ideas that, if adopted, can stand out your blog among other competitors.

1. Take Inspiration from Books

Reading books can open a gate of imagination in fantastic ways. A perfect name for your blog can be hidden inside any book you read, it can be a single word or a phrase that catches your attention. Apart from that, a simple reading can broaden your thinking and you might as well think out of the box for a bit. This way, you can come up with an amazing blog name to start with.

2. Grab a Thesaurus

Another way to figure out a way for your blog name is to scroll through the thesaurus or dictionary. Grabbing a physical thesaurus or dictionary is a good enough strategy to flip through the pages at your ease. Otherwise, online available books are also a good option. Having a theme in mind but not being sure of what words to choose, the thesaurus will be your go-to option.

3. Blog Name Generators

Blog name generators are tools that help to create a unique and nice-sounding name for blogs. Deciding on a name is an important first step when writing a blog. Below are some of the most used blog name generator tools. 

  • Blog Name Generator by Themeisle
  • DomainWheel
  • Zyro Business Name Generator
  • Nameboy
  • Wordoid
  • Panabee
  • 123finder
  • Domainr
  • Name Mesh
  • Domain it
  • Lean Domain Search

Blog name generator gives you a variety of ideas to begin the blog with.

4. Alliteration

Another important tip for an amazing blog name is alliteration. It refers to the conspicuous repetition of initial consonant sounds in closely related syllables within a group of words. With alliteration, you can have a catchy name for your blogs that stick to the mind of readers. 

We are familiar with the famous brands Dunkin Donuts, Best Buy, Coca Cola, PayPal. All of these are named using the stylistic technique and that is alliteration.

5. Humour and Pun

Use humour and pun to make your blog remembered in the far future. If humour and pun match your style of writing and tone, this is a good option to consider while naming the blog. Coming up with a blog name that brings a smile to the reader’s face is a good approach to have more clicks to your blog. Examples of blog names based on humour include: Cats Who Code, The Lazy Baker, Do You Even Blog?

Talking about pun-based blog names, it does a great job of setting a light tone and being more communicative. Examples include In-Tents Camping, Budget Bytes, Girl Gone Travel, etc. 

6. Brainstorm Words That Match Blog Niche

After you have chosen a particular blog niche to get started with, brainstorm words that most closely relate to the niche. The words should be such that they match the content topic. For example, while writing blogs on travel niche, use a blog name that includes words like Adventure, Explorer, Journey, Venturer, etc. 

7. Look at Competitor’s Blog Names

Having a look at a competitor’s blog names can be a sparkle of motivation for you. From this, you get an inspiration of what is working for your competitor might as well work for you. You can also see the audience who are viewing the blogs of competitors and from this, you get an idea that your chances for blog traffic will also increase. 

8. Consider a Different Language

Blog names that have a foreign language touch, click the mind of readers. It sounds fancier and readers get excited to give your blog a read. For example, ‘The Small Cafe’ and ‘Le Petit Cafe’ have the same meanings, but the French language name evokes different perception and reaction in readers. 

9. Take Inspiration from a TV Series

Most of us watch TV series a bit too much these days. Expert bloggers watch a lot of content, and from there they also get inspiration to start their next blog. Getting inspirations from a TV series is a fair approach and broadens the mind of bloggers to come up with unique names. 

10. Use Unrelated Words

Using unrelated words for a blog name can simply create more interest as the readers will be looking for a connection. It looks more catchy. For example, a famous brand uses the name of the fruit ‘Apple’. 

11. Abbreviations

Abbreviations are a short version of a full name that retains in the mind of readers. It is easy to remember and recall and doesn’t require much effort. Full-length names of a branding service often have chances to get misspelt or mistyped. Examples include RAC (Royal Automobile Club), IBM (International Business Machines), etc. 

12. Use Keyword Pivotal to Your Blog Niche

Using keywords in your blog results in a good ranking of a blog in the search engines. Using the keyword in the headline of a blog is necessary to make your blog appear online and also stand out among competitors. 

To Conclude

Choosing an accurate blog name that fits best with your content depends largely on the niche, products, services, and audience. Try these amazing methods listed above, I am sure these will help you a great deal. Most importantly, get feedback from others before finally starting with your blog. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a perfect blog name. Don’t spend too much time trying to craft a perfect blog name. Just go with your instincts and get started.

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