How To Clean Laptop Screen

Cleaning a laptop LCD panel, whether for a desktop or a laptop computer, is fraught with controversy! Liquids are generally not recommended since they can affect the LCD’s fragile surface. Even then, if you really want to get the sneeze residue off the thing, you’ll need something to rub with!

  • Get a smooth, lint-free cloth for general cleaning. Wipe the dust from the display with it.
  • Using sweat, dampen a sponge or a lint-free rag. Be certain to squeeze out all of the remaining moisture. Gently rub the screen’s back, being careful not to get any liquid on or inside the display.
  • Before closing the lid, allow the display to dry entirely.

Tips to Remember

  • The keyboard always leaves “stains” on the screen. They’re difficult to resist and much more difficult to remove. To avoid stains, keep the lint-free cloth used to clean the computer inside the laptop, between the keyboard and your screen.
  • Special LCD panel cleaners, as well as lint-free wipes, are available at office supplies stores to disinfect the screen and the rest of your laptop.
  • Avoid cleaning your laptop screen with alcohol or ammonia-based cleaners! They have the potential to affect the LCD panel.
  • Cleaners can never be squirted directly onto a laptop’s screen.

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