Currently, there are no Hourly Packages offered by Jazz, but you can avail their 3 Day and weekly packages instead.
Here are some packages you can look into. We have added charges, offer details, subscriptions, and charges so you can quickly choose the package that is right for you.
Alternative Jazz Call Packages
Below are some Jazz Call packages you can subscribe to, to enjoy endless calls and more.
Package | Charges (Icl Tax) | Validity | On-net Calls | Off-net Calls | Internet | SMS | Subscription |
3 Day-Max Offer | Rs.60 | 3 Days | 1000 Min | 10 Min | 1 GB | 1000 | *631# |
Super Women Bundle | Rs.135 | 7 Days | Unlimited (8am – 6 pm) | —– | 12 GB | — | *117*14# |
Weekly All Network | Rs.243 | 7 Days | 1000 min | 90 min | 3 GB | 1000 | *700# |
Weekly Super Max | Rs.400 | 7 Days | 6000 min | 150 min | 30 GB | 6000 | *506# |
Terms & Conditions
- Jazz reserves the right to make changes to bundles at any time
- Offer charges are subject to all applicable taxes
- The recharge amount required for bundles may be rounded up
- You can email for queries
- Avoid using a SIM not registered on your name, as it is a crime (PTA)
Subscribe to a Jazz Call Package Today!
So that was our list of Jazz Call packages as an alternative to the Jazz 1-Hour Call Packages. Check out more mobile packages and user guides on the Blogpakistan site.