NCOC Announces New Criteria for COVID-19 Booster Shots

NCOC Announces New Criteria for COVID-19 Booster Shots


  • NCOC advises citizens to follow Covid Protocols
  • PM Shehbaz Sharif announces rising Covid cases and urges the public to follow SOPs
  • NCOC has mandated a 4-month gap between booster shots

On June 29, 2022, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif took to Twitter to warn Pakistanis about the upcoming Covid wave.

PM Shehbaz Sharif Covid message on Tweeter

He requested the general public to follow covid SOPs and guidelines given by the NCOC (National Command and Operation Center).

He also appreciated the role of doctors, medical officers, and staff in controlling the spread of the virus and he has urged the public to make sure their sacrifices are not wasted.

Today, the NCOC reported 675 positive covid cases in the country with 2 reported deaths and 153 patients in critical condition.

NIH Covid Statistics

The NCOC has declared that individuals older than 12 years, health workers, and people with low immunity should make sure to receive the covid booster shot.

NCOC has mandated a 4-month gap between the administrations of the 1st and 2nd boosters and stated that all the available vaccines can be used as booster doses.

Covid cases are rising in Pakistan therefore as responsible citizens, we must play our role as individuals. Through proper care, hand washing, wearing a mask, social distancing, and vaccinations, we can beat Covid once again!

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