Trip gear is essential for every outdoor adventure, including camping, hiking, trekking and mountaineering. To meet the needs of all types of hikers on, from novices to experienced trekkers and mountaineers, the shops listed here have the right outdoor gear for you. These stores have extensive knowledge of Pakistan’s mountainous environment, including the Himalayan, Karakorum, and Hindukush mountain ranges.
Online Stores for Outdoor Recreation Gear
Take a look at the best quality outdoor recreation gear at the top 10 stores in Pakistan.
Note: Each store mentioned here for outdoor recreation gear has unique products and services and we do not intend to show any competition among them.
Online Stores | Contact Number | Location |
Shimshal Adventure Shop | 0307 0043805 | Rifle Range Road, New Iqbal Park, Lahore |
Ascender Outdoors | 0333 9980903 | Capital Plaza, G-11 Markaz, Islamabad |
The Sport Store | 0311 1118877 0310 2230960 | Online store |
Outdoor Gear | 03115220792 0331-3199931 | I-10/4, Sohni Road, Islamabad |
Tactical Gears | 0333 5255127 | Anique Arcade, I-8 Markaz, Islamabad |
Altimate Outdoors | 0343 5163772 | Liberty Mall ,GT Jamrud Road, Peshawar |
Gear Up | (051) 2111061-64 0344 4444144 0323 1480027 | Capital Trade Center, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad |
Top Gears | 0321 1333331 | Online store |
Shaheen Outdoors | 0334 1111759 | Online store |
Zuflah | 0321 4995102 0300 8147445 | Online store |
Shimshal Adventure Shop
Customers who want the best gear for hiking and camping can shop at Shimshal Adventure Shop, Pakistan’s biggest online shopping platform. A large selection of outdoor gear and mountaineering equipment is available with them.
They have a wide variety of products from the best names in the market. Shimshal Adventure Shop provides a safe and secure online buying experience for all of our customers with strong payment and logistical assistance. Check out their products online under the following categories:
- Hiking Gear
- Travel Gear
- Clothing
- Camping Gear
- Footwear
- Backpacks
- Climbing Gear
Location: Rifle Range Road, New Iqbal Park, Lahore.
Contact Number: 0307 0043805
Ascender Outdoors
Ascender Outdoors has a name in selling hiking and trekking equipment for outdoor enthusiasts. They offer appropriate and reliable equipment for every excursion held outdoors. From short hikes to trekking a high altitude, they have everything covered for you based on your budget and needs.
The team arranges various recreation events that you can join. Ascender Outdoors is offering products in the following categories:
- Trekking
- Camping
Location: Capital Plaza, G-11 Markaz, Islamabad.
Contact Number: 0333 9980903
The Sport Store
One of Pakistan’s leading online sports retailers,, offers a wide variety of sports and associated products. It is their mission to provide you with access to all of the world’s leading sporting brands so that you may get high-quality, name-brand sports gear at affordable costs, whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go. It is their goal to provide a wide choice of sporting items to meet a diverse customer base at a reasonable price point.
The camping and hiking products are offered by them in the following categories:
- Accessories
- Bags and backpacks
- Clothing
- Coolers
- Sleeping bags and bedding
- Tents and shelters
- Trekking footwear
- Water sports
Location: Online store
Contact Numbers:
- 0311 1118877
- 0310 2230960
Outdoor Gear
Outdoor Gear shop and online store is a must-visit before you begin your outdoor adventure. If you don’t own your own adventure kit, you can always rent from them. The company aims to deliver top-quality outdoor gear to travel enthusiasts right to their front door. In their inventory, you’ll find the most diverse selection of camping and trekking gear.
In addition to adventure clothing and equipment, they also have a wide range of camping gear and camping tents for sale as well as a variety of other camping supplies for sale. For the past two years, they’ve been working hard in Pakistan to bring the best international hiking and camping gear to the market for sale and rental. Visit their online for the following equipements:
- Rental equipment
- Packages for tour operators
- Gear
- Tents
- Sleeping bags
- Mattresses
- Rucksacks
Location: I-10/4, Sohni Road, Islamabad.
Contact Numbers:
- 03115220792
- 0331-3199931
Tactical Gears
Tactical Gears is the largest outdoor gear retailer in Pakistan, providing 24/7 customer service and a 7-day satisfaction guarantee.
Tactical Gears offer a variety of tactical items including DMS Boots, Glove, Shirt, Led Flashlight, Camp, Camping Chair, Stove, Belt, Cap, and Hunting Knife, etc.
Location: Anique Arcade, I-8 Markaz, Islamabad.
Contact Number: 0333 5255127
Altimate Outdoors
Altimate Outdoors was initiated by a team of devoted outdoor enthusiasts. Their online shop comprises trekking and hunting apparel which sustains the challenges of mountain climbing, woodlands, and snow beds. Altimate Outdoors team can be your traveling companions to far-flung locales on far-flung modes of transportation.
The apparel sold by them is inspired by the outdoors’ rigors for today’s adventurers and travelers. The store offers cash on delivery, free shipping all over Pakistan, and warranty against manufacturing defects and craftsmanship.
Location: Liberty Mall ,GT Jamrud Road, Peshawar.
Contact Number: 0343 5163772
Gear Up
Customers at Gear Up, Islamabad can choose from a wide selection of branded and non-branded outdoor gear for purchase or rental. Gear Up grew in reaction to natural catastrophes in Pakistan. They began supplying local/international non-governmental groups and individuals with rescue and safety solutions and equipment (NGO).
Gear Up was founded in 2006 by adventurer and former army officer Saadia Sami and Major Baasir Hanif. People and families were encouraged to explore nature by the store’s principal purpose of selling outdoor goods. It’s all here for you at Gear Up, a one-stop shop that guarantees on-time delivery, reliable customer assistance, and the highest quality of all products.
The wide range of products offered by them are:
- Camping/Trekking
- Climbing and Mountaineering
- Hunting and Navigation
- Fishing Tackle
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Search and Rescue Equipment
Location: Capital Trade Center, F-10 Markaz, Islamabad.
Contact Numbers:
- (051) 2111061-64
- 0344 4444144
- 0323 1480027
Top Gears
Top Gears is another online store providing camping, hiking, and hunting tools for your outdoor activities. They are offering all the stuff at affordable prices without compromising their quality and ensure fast delivery. Checkout their stuff online:
- Camping gear
- Hiking gear
- Hunting gear
- Bags and backpacks
- Hunting and shooting
- Binoculars
Location: Online store
Contact Number: 0321 1333331
Shaheen Outdoors
In Pakistan, Shaheen Outdoors specializes in selling high-quality camping supplies. Coleman and Campingaz are among the world’s best-known brands that can be delivered right to your door. Tents of various sizes, sleeping bags, electric lamps, foldable chairs, and gas-powered stoves are all included in the branded camping gear. All of these will ensure that your camping trip will be one you’ll never forget.
Location: Online store
Contact Number: 0334 1111759
Tents and outdoor gear manufacturer, Zuflah International is a household name in Pakistani industry as well as worldwide. They are the innovator, manufacturer, and exporter of Improved Tent System, Self-operating Tent System, Rucksack Backpacks & Sleeping Bags.
Since 1985, Al-Flah International Company which is now named as Zuflah, has been providing tents and sleeping bags to the Saudi Relief Committee, Saudi Red Crescent Society, and other United Nations-appointed relief agencies for Afghan refugees. Zuflah’s innovative work and design have always been linked to the most up-to-date technological advancements. They are selling in Pakistan as well as worldwide.
Location: Online store
Contact Numbers:
- 0321 4995102
- 0300 8147445