Pak Origin Journalist Amna Nawaz, to Host the “PBS NewsHour” Show

Pakistan Origin Journalist Amna Nawaz, to Host the ‘PBS NewsHour’


  • Amna Nawaz, to host the weeknight ‘PBS NewsHour’ show. 
  • She is a Pakistani origin journalist
  • She will co-host the show with Geoff Bennett 

Amna Nawaz, a Pakistan-origin journalist is all set to join Geoff Bennett as anchor of the weeknight ‘PBS NewsHour” show.

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS),  an American broadcaster, recently announced the news. 

The show has been hosted by Judy Woodruff for nearly a decade and soon Amna will replace her. 

The ‘PBS NewsHour’ Show

The show is more conventional than regular commercial TV.

It reports daily stories with deeper magazine-style pieces and even parodies. 

Judy Woodruff is being replaced by a black man and an American of Pakistani descent. Both will host the show together. 

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