Pay Traffic Challan On Spot! In Punjab Now

traffic chalan through easy paisa

We’ve all been in a hurry where we have violated the traffic rules once or twice, especially on a Monday morning and if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you can expect a traffic warden waving his hand in front of your car to stop you and writing you a big fat challan.

It’s understandable, violating a traffic signal can and will result in challan but when it comes to paying that challan it can be a serious hassle. Which many of us are not ready to get involved in. BUT we’ve got good news!

Traffic police in the different cities of Punjab took a new initiative and launched a new online system through which the traffic violators can pay their traffic challan on the spot and hassle-free. With the introduction of this new digital system, people can easily pay their challan by different transfer services like Easy-Paisa, Jazz Cash, and also through bank application on your smart-phone devices. Well, it is getting digital, isn’t it?

However, the service is currently operational in Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, and Multan only. But it is soon expected to be operational in other cities of Punjab.

We’re here with a complete guide on how you pay your challans now!

Pay Through Easy Paisa

Easy paisa is one of the country’s most favourite and reliable cash transfer app. Not only is it quick in transfering the cash its easily accessible as well. Here’s how you can do it in simple


  • Launch your Easy Paisa app
  • Tap the ‘view all’ option
  • In ‘Pay Bills and Fees’ Tap the ‘Givernement fees’ option.
  • Select ‘Punjab’ and select your city traffic police.
  • Enter the 18-digit PSID number (Mentioned on your traffic violation ticket)
  • Enter the amount of challan that you have to pay. ( remember to write ‘0’ before the amount, for example, Rs.0200 or Rs.0300 etc.)

And there you go, just in 6 simple steps and some fast taps you have successfully payed your challan without any hassle.

Pay Through Bank App

We all have smartphones right? And we all must have our trusted Bank’s application aswell. Well things are about to get easier if you do. You can pay your challan through bank apps i.e. HBL, Mezaan and Alfalah. The payment method is very easy and simple to use.

Lets take a look: (the steps are for HBL’s mobile app)

  • Launch the App on your device
  • Tap the ‘more’ icon on the top right corner.
  • Tap on the ‘excise and taxation’ icon
  • Select ‘Government of Punjab’ as your company.
  • Enter the 18-digit PSID number (Mentioned on your traffic violation ticket) and you will
  • pay your challan on-spot!

With simple and easy steps, you now have the ability to pay your challan on-spot without wasting any time and completly hassle free. However, before you violate the traffic laws next time, remember that this method is exclusive for manual challans that happen on the road not the E-challans.

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