Pink Bus service routes announced in Islamabad


The Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training has announced the new Pink bus station service to help female students and teachers reach their schools and workplaces safely. The Prime Minister directs this initiative, which aims to provide safety to females who travel from rural to urban areas. 

This campaign is called “No Fair, No Barrier.” 

Pink Bus route Islamabad: 

20 buses will be used in this campaign to provide free rides across the city. These buses will connect areas like Nilore, Bhara Kahu, Humak, and I-14 with important places such as the Secretariat and F-11/1 FGCH&E&MS. This service will be more helpful for those who travel during school hours. The purpose of this public campaign is to make travel easier and safer for females. 

RoutesStarting PointsDestination
1 ANiloreF-11/1 FGCH&E&MS
1 BNiloreZiarat Stop to Secretariat
2 ABhara Kau F-11/1 FGCH&E&MS (via F-6
2 BBhara Kau F-11/1 FGCH&E&MS (via G-6)
3 AHumakSecretariat.
3 BHumakF-11/1 FGCH&E&MS.
4 AI-14 (IJP Road)Secretariat
4 BI-14 (IJP Road)F-11/1 FGCH&E&MS
5 A B-17Secretariat (via Margalla Avenue)
5 BB-17Secretariat (via GT Road, G-14)

Pink Bus Route Timings:

This bus will run twice a day from:

6:00 AM to 9:00 AM1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. 

Routes schedule of these buses is set according to school timings. This service will ensure that females and students travel smoothly and more safely. This new initiative helps to solve transportation problems and make education more accessible for every female. This service removes traveling barriers and also improves public transport.

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