Supreme Court Employees to Get Double Salary Raise & Tax Exemptions Despite Economic Crisis


The employees of the Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan are already paid higher than other government servants, but now they will further enjoy a big salary raise on top of that.

According to the 2023-24 budget, all Supreme Court employees from BS-1 to BS-22 will enjoy more than double the raise in salary of 30-35pc.

Previously a raise was given by SC internally, and now another has been announced.

Prime Minister on Saving Money

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, in a press conference in February, announced measures to save money and pleaded with the Federal Cabinet and Chief Justices and courts of all provinces to implement similar measures in their institutions and governments.

The current budget comes as a surprise as the country is already struggling financially.

SC Employees Exempted from Taxes

As per reports, the raise given by the Supreme Court is also exempted from income taxes. The step will further facilitate the employees and help them battle the rising inflation.

Salary Increase in KP

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) government has presented the budget for the first four months of the fiscal year 2023-24 and has announced a 35% increase in the salaries of govt employees from BPS 1-16 while offering a 30% rise in the salaries of BPS 17 and above employees.

The minimum wage of laborers has been raised from PKR 26,000 to 32,000/month.

For former FATA and PATA tax exemptions for another two years have been given.

Responses on the 2023-24 Budget

Many have labeled the current budget as a misfit for the current economic crises. The IMF has even

considered it a missed opportunity as it fails to meet certain goals.

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