The Islamabad Capital Territory police (ICTP) have launched a new WhatsApp number for immediately reporting about loss and found of any item and expedite the recovery process.
This important step was taken by the IGP (Islamabad) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan for the convenience of citizens. The ‘Lost and Found’ WhatsApp number (0331-1114287) has been introduced for the citizens. Using this number, they can immediately report lost or found things and give them over to their rightful owners.
If you misplace something while traveling, or if you find something, IGP Islamabad wants you to report at Pucar-15 immediately. The WhatsApp number can be used to send the details of these objects, as well as images, to the rightful owner.
According to the IG (Islamabad), ICTP is doing its utmost to bring services to the residents. All emergency services have also been integrated into Safe City, he added, and all possible efforts are being done to protect citizens’ lives and property from harm.