PM Shehbaz Attends COP27 – Brings Attention to Floods in Pakistan

PM Shehbaz Shareef at COP27


  • COP27 begins in Egypt
  • The conference discusses solutions to climate change 
  • PM Shehbaz brought climate-induced floods to light during the conference
  • He also asked for continued support for the rehabilitation of flood  victims 

What is COP27? 

COP27 is a Conference on Climate Change under the UN. This year the 27th meeting will take place in Egypt, from Nov. 6th to Nov. 18. 

This annual meeting brings together leaders, policymakers, civil society members, activists, and other climate experts from the 198 member countries. 

PM Shehbaz Shareef on Climate-Induced Floods in Pakistan

Prime Minister recently stated that during the Climate Implementation Summit in Sharm Al Sheikh, he brought the challenges of the post-flood reconstruction in Pakistan to light. 

He also communicated the government’s efforts and the need for international support for the rehabilitation of flood victims.

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