PSL 8 Ticket Prices Reduced – Good News for Karachi Students

PSL 8 Ticket Prices Decreased


  • Najam Sethi reduced PSL 8 ticket prices for students 
  • Prices halved for Karachi students under 18
  • Students can show their B-from to get discounts
  • The step was taken upon request by young cricket fans

After heavy student requests, Najam Sethi has reduced the prices of PSL 8 tickets for students under 18 in Karachi. 

Considering the rise in inflation in the country, some students requested the PCB chairman for a ticket price reduction. 

The price cut would benefit students below the age of 18 for the remaining matches to be played in Karachi.

At the National Bank Cricket Arena, Najam Sethi announced after some students requested the PCB chief to reduce the price of tickets. 

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