Revolutionary Steps Taken in IT & Telecom During Past 3 Years – Says IT Minister


Federal Minister Syed Amin Ul Haque remarked that Pakistan has taken revolutionary advances in the information technology and telecommunication sector during the previous three years.

To commemorate “World Telecommunication and Information Society Day,” the Federal Minister for IT stated that FDI in the telecommunications industry stayed at $6.1 billion between July 1, 2018, and March 30, 2022. Reforms in the telecommunications industry resulted in 193 million active mobile SIM cards by March 2022, and mobile and fixed Broadband users have seen a 39.4% growth, according to him.

Minister of IT & Telecom Syed Amin Ul Haque stated that efforts to provide broadband services across the country have been initiated through the Universal Service Fund (USF), the connected department to the Ministry of IT & Telecom. By June 2021, more than 37 projects totaling Rs 31 billion had been begun, and he noted that 50 to 75 percent of the work on the majority of these projects had been finished.

There are already nine optical fiber and broadband projects in Punjab costing Rs 6.47 billion, and nine projects worth over Rs 8.48 billion are also underway in Sindh to provide high-speed internet and install fiber optics in the state, according to the Federal Minister.

Among the 14 districts of Balochistan, 11 projects totaling Rs 8.43 billion have been approved. Eight distinct broadband and optical fiber projects in fourteen KPK districts cost over 7.08 billion rupees, he stated.

At the end of the current fiscal year, according to Syed Amin Ul Haque, Rs 29 billion will be spent on 28 initiatives aimed at expanding broadband access to remote areas.

Across addition, in all four provinces, work is being done on nine distinct projects to lay fiber optic cable. A total of Rs 13.14 billion will be spent to lay 4,746 kilometers of cable, according to him.

As a result of these efforts, 1,929 kilometers of major highways have been covered by USF mobile networks.

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