Top successful Pakistani Entrepreneurs

Top successful Pakistani Entrepreneurs

Pakistan is a country full of talented and creative peoples, where entrepreneurship has been growing increasingly from past few years. Entrepreneurs are risk takers, who take initiatives and challenges. These individuals come out from their comfort zones, build traces, and bring in evolution. Also get to know about the 1 lakh rupees investment business in Pakistan.

In this article you’ll come to know about the top 10 successful entrepreneurs in Pakistan, how they began their success story from a small move and flourished gradually as time passed. The entrepreneurs list is not just constraint to these peoples, there are numerous business people who add their names to Pakistani entrepreneurs list every year. 

List of Top 10 Successful Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

Here is the list of top entrepreneurs in Pakistan, who fought against all the challenges to emerge as a strong, determined, and courageous business individuals: 

  • Monis Rahman
  • Hisham Sarwar
  • Kalsoom Lakhani
  • Zafar Khan
  • Zeeshan Khalid
  • Sidra Qasim 
  • Imam Jamal and Hasib Malik
  • Saba Gul
  • Maria Umar
  • Zia Imran 

Monis Rahman

Monis Rehman

Monis Rahman is a well known entrepreneur, online businessperson, and venture investor in Pakistan. He intended to create an online job portal/website, where companies post their job openings. He is an engineering graduate, who now owns Naseeb Networks, which manages the leading job marketplace, such as and in Pakistan. Monis Rahman is now co-founder of, an online community for small businesses, and Finja, which is a financial services network. 

Hisham Sarwar

Hisham Sarwar

Hisham Sarwar is a popular online entrepreneur and freelancer. He started his career from a traditional 9-5 job, and later started part-time freelancing, offering web development and web design services. Hisham Sarwar is the founder of WorkChecst, an online job site for freelancers, and BeingGuru, which contains a  resourceful and training blog.

Kalsoom Lakhani

Kalsoom Lakhani

Kalsoom Lakhani is a prominent name in the entrepreneurs list, an owner and CEO of invest2inovate (i2i). It is a corporation that encourages small firms and entrepreneurs in emerging economies like Pakistan. Kalsoom Lakhani invest2inovate (i2i) organization helps 46 startups that are successful in making $7 million and creates more than 2000 jobs. 

Zafar Khan

Zafar Khan

Zafar Khan is a reputed entrepreneur, CEO of Lahore based SOFIZAR company, an online marketing website that provides e-commerce services to nations. Another creative start up of Zafar Khan is Engro Digital, a chemical manufacturing centre built around machine learning analysis. Also read about the most profitable online business ideas

Zeeshan Khalid

Zeeshan Khalid

Zeshan Khalid a well known name in top Pakistani entrepreneurs, founder of United Sol. It is an IT and e-commerce company which provides dynamic web based solutions. United Sol, dedicated to innovation and excellence, offers modern technology solutions to businesses to propel in the digital era. 

 Sidra Qasim 

Sidra Qasim

Sidra Qasim is a talented and young entrepreneur in Pakistan, who innovated handcrafted shoes. She is now co-founder of two top notch brands, Markhor Shoe in Pakistan and Atoms in the US. She supported the business by applying and getting grants from Google in Pakistan. 

Imam Jamal and Hasib Malik

Imam Jamal and Hasib Malik

Imam Jamal and Hasib Malik are creative entrepreneurs in Pakistan. Imam Jamal works on social development and technology integration projects in Pakistan, UK, Spain, Uganda, and Netherland. Hasib Malik assists people with developing financial plans and startup ventures. They both developed a Pakistani Fintech company with a credit book, that facilitates small firms in handling their finances.

Saba Gul

Saba Gul

Saba Gul is a successful entrepreneur, creating handmade and embroidered silk leather bags. She is the creator and CEO of Fashion Entreprises BLISS, now famous as Popinjay. Her brand not only gained popularity in Pakistan but in the UK as well. Additionally read about 30 excellent business ideas in Pakistan

Maria Umar

Maria Umar

Maria Umar, a talented entrepreneur, is the founder and president of Women Digital League.

This league serves digital education to women, and also works as project manager at WomenX, which is a business program for women.

Zia Imran 

Zia Imran

Zia Imran is an entrepreneur as  well as motivational speaker. He is the CEO of VahZay, interested in developing energy saving and automatic devices that use bio-renewable energy. He has a long experience in the IT industry, and is dedicated to creating useful energy saving devices. 

Talented and Creative Entrepreneurs of Pakistan!

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