Twitter Founder to Launch a Decentralized Social Platform “BlueSky”

Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey to Launch a New Social Platform


  • Jack Dorsey launches new decentralized social platform 
  • The platform named BlueSky is under beta testing
  • It drew 30,000 sign-ups in 2 days
  • Will be made public soon

The founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey has announced that he will be launching a new social network app called BlueSky Social.

The new platform is a ‘decentralized’ social network that hopes to reclaim user data.

We don’t know what the platform Blueksky will look like but the blockchain-based platform will be made public soon.

As per sources, the app is in private beta testing and the initial news drew a whopping 30,000 sign-ups within 2 days.

BlueSky Key Features: 

  • Authenticated Transfer Protocol
  • Advanced decentralized technologies
  • Access to social platforms through one browser 

The platform BlueSky will include AT (Authenticated Transfer) Protocol, which will enable users to control their data. 

The Authenticated Transfer Protocol is an improved form of the previous ADX Protocol.

The ‘AT Protocol’ will be a new federated social network that will integrate ideas from the latest and most advanced decentralized technologies.

The new technologies will make the platform simple, and fast. 

A key feature of BlueSky will be to allow users to move between several social media platforms through a high-quality browser in its app.

That will offer great convenience to users juggling between various platforms. 

With this feature, users can control how much data is provided to social media platforms, making the online world, safer for them. 

Developed by a Global Community 

According to Dorsey, the platform is not owned by any organization and is contributed to, by as many intellectuals as possible. 

He also added that any company trying to own the very fundamentals for social media or public data shall be a competitor to the new platform, BlueSky. 

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