Marble Flooring in Pakistan: Types, Features, & Prices

types of marbles in pakistan

Marble is a beautiful stone that we use to spruce up the interiors of our homes. Enhancing the aesthetics is basically needed to make the home an ideal place to live. In addition to adding beauty, marble flooring also gives a nice feel when walking.

Pakistani marble has been used in many different places of the world and throughout history. And depending on what you want, it comes in various colors, textures, and price ranges.

Today, we’ll go over some of the most popular types of marble. We will also look at the price of marble flooring in pakistan. Make a well-informed decision regarding whether or not the preferred marble will satisfy your needs.

Types of Marble in Pakistan

Listed below are the 10 most popular types of marble in pakistan: 

#Types of MarblePrice in Pakistan
1Badal GreyPKR 40 per sq. ft.
2Oceanic MarblePKR 60 per sq. ft.
3Tipi FlowerPKR 60 per sq. ft.
4ZebraPKR 65 per sq. ft.
5Grey EmperadorPKR 46 per sq. ft.
6TaveraPKR 50 – 65 per sq. ft.
7Botticino FancyPKR 100 per sq. ft.
8MichelangeloPKR 120 per sq. ft.
9VeronaPKR 85 – 130 per sq. ft.
10Ziarat WhitePKR 65 per sq. ft.

Badal Grey

Badal Grey

Beautiful and durable, the badal grey marble is one of the world’s most popular stones. In an economical house, it is typically used for flooring and building stairs. It adds refinement to the interior of your home and transforms it into a beautiful space. It is quite simple to keep it smooth and shiny. Moreover, there are loads of color options in Badal Grey marble, ranging from light grey to dark grey. The kind will determine whether it has white-ish or black-ish stripes.

The Price of Badal Grey Marble in Pakistan is Rs 40 per sq. ft.

Oceanic Marble

Oceanic Marble

A greenish-black colored stone, ocean marble is one of the most beautiful marble flooring designs available in Pakistan. It is typically used by large corporations and restaurants, but you can also use it in your home if you’d like. Its distinct color and style will set your place out from the rest. People who favor darker flooring colors are more likely to choose them.

The Price of Oceanic marble in Pakistan is Rs 60 per sq. ft.

Tipi Flower

Tipi Flower

Tipi Flower is also very popular in pakistan. It is basically a natural stone marble with a fine granular texture and a uniform structure. Use it as a marble flooring option and enhance the beauty of your home. This stone is also relatively affordable in comparison to others. The exact cost of the stone is mentioned below.

The tipi flower marble price in Pakistan is Rs 60 per sq. ft.



The zebra marble adds a rich touch to the decor of your home. Similar to its name, the color scheme of the stone is black and white. It seems that day by day, more and more individuals are choosing this marble flooring. Overall, if you’re seeking to create a luxury interior for any area, zebra marble is one of the most premium marble in the country right now.

The Price of Zebra marble in Pakistan is Rs 65 per sq. ft.

Grey Emperador

Grey Emperador

This marble has established a solid reputation for being the preferred solution for modern flooring in the Pakistani market. Enhance your home with a refined, graceful, shimmering finish and liven up any space. As for the properties, the Grey Emperafor marble has a cloud-like texture and is generally available in shades of grey to brown tones. It is also much simpler to clean these marble tiles. You don’t have to worry about food or drinks spilling on them.

The Price of Grey Empeador marble in Pakistan is Rs 46 per sq. ft.



A beige marble, the Tavera is an excellent alternative if you’re seeking for less expensive marble flooring solutions.  Spread the tiles across the floor and give the space a more opulent feel. Tavera marble are durable as well. With a great sealant, value installation, and everyday care, you can be sure that these marble floors will last for a lifetime. Other names for Tavera marble are: Travera Beige Marble, Travera Cream Marble, and Travera Limestone.

The cost of Tavera Marble in Pakistan ranges from Rs 50 to Rs 65 per sq. ft.

Also Read: Top 8 Marble Manufacturing Companies

Botticino Fancy

Botticino Fancy

Another well-liked beige marble is Botticino Fancy. This marble has a lovely appearance, is simple to handle, and may be used in a variety of ways. It is also more resistant to knocks and scratching than many other marble tiles due to the tremendous heat and pressure used in its production. In perfect harmony with dark stones, Botticino Fancy will come into contact with items of furniture and decor in various colors. Overall, its distinctive appearance will help it stand out in any room.

The Botticino Fancy Marble Price in Pakistan is Rs 100 per sq. ft.


Michael Angelo 

Michelangelo marble is a gorgeous, durable, spectacular variation of black and rust marble. Utilize it to build stunning marble floors, kitchen islands, shower surrounds, backsplashes, and accent walls. Along with a smooth surface and an appealing appearance, this marble also comes with excellent insulating properties. Even in the extreme heat of the summer, it manages to maintain a reasonable level of coolness. We can assure you that the stone is amazing in every way.

The Price of Michelangelo Marble in Pakistan is Rs 120 per sq. ft.



A beautifully golden-brown colored marble, Verona is another great option to choose for flooring. The marble comes with a rich texture and looks really beautiful when installed. Another plus point of choosing Verona is its affordability. Installing this stone doesn’t have to cost a fortune, even in huge spaces.. The exact price of Verona price in Pakistan is given below. Areas of use? This stone is especially good to be used in galleries, rooms, stairs, and kitchens.

The Verona Marble cost in pakistan ranges from Rs 85 to Rs 130 per sq. ft.

Ziarat White

Ziarat White

Also called Super White Marble, the ziarat white store is the ideal material for creating window sills, fountains, pool and wall capping, outdoor and interior wall and floor applications, and counters. When it is placed, it gives a space a nice, airy, and open appearance. Well, the colors for this one can range from pure white to faint streaks of grey or black over a white background. FYI: Ziarat, Balochistan, is often where Ziarat White is quarried.

The price of Ziarat White in pakistan is Rs 65 per sq. ft.


Marble floors are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also keep a home cool and well-lit. However, the price of marble in pakistan varies substantially with the type of marble and the marble design you are picking. So, choose wisely!

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