Art of Giving Held Its First Open House Meeting in Port Grand Karachi

Art of Giving held Its First Open House Meeting in Port Grand Karachi

On October 29, Art of Giving in collaboration with CSR Club Pakistan, a joint cause marketing held its first Open House Meeting in Karachi grand port.

The objective of the meeting was to emphasize the significance of NGOs while highlighting strong partnerships. 

Art of Giving also negotiated MOUs with numerous organizations during the session.

Alliancez Teams Up with Do Advertising & Sign Ways Communication

As per sources, Alliancez has entered into a partnership with Do Advertising & Signways Communication for generating outdoor digital programmatic advertising media in the port city. 

“With less money and more precise targeting, this partnership is expected to be a breakthrough move in introducing new trends in digital outdoor advertising”

Alliancez is Pakistan’s fastest-growing advertising technology company. In order to help companies grow, it provides the top digital advertising platforms and programmatic media purchasing solutions around the globe.

Apart from this, Art of Giving and NFEH have also partnered to promote and carry out CSR programs to draw professionals and students to climate change awareness.

Likewise, CSR Cub and Art of Giving have teamed up to spread the operations of automated kindness machines throughout the country.

The ultimate goal is to raise awareness of critical issues among professionals and persuade them to contribute money or their time to a cause of their choice.

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