How to Boost Immune System | Diet Plan & Exercise

In the grocery store, there are a variety of vitamins and items that claim to help improve the immune system. However, though it might seem to be a no-brainer, improving the immune system is way more difficult than you would expect — and with good reason. 

Your immune system is highly intricate. It must be effective and sophisticated enough to tackle a wide spectrum of illnesses and pathogens, yet not so powerful that it overreacts unnecessarily, contributing to allergies and other autoimmune disorders. Your immune system is closely regulated by several stimuli to function in such a delicate equilibrium.

Despite the difficulty, you should rely on regular lifestyle activities to better give your immune system the resources it needs to combat an infection or disease. So how to increase immunity? Here is a list of strategies to make sure your immune system has what it wants to work at its best, as well as why you shouldn’t rely on vitamins to do so.

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Maintaining a balanced diet is highly important for having a good immune system. This means incorporating lots of fruits, berries, legumes, whole grains, lean protein, and good fats into your diet.

A balanced diet will help ensure that you get plenty of the micronutrients that play a role in immune system maintenance, such as:

  • Chicken, salmon, tuna, bananas, green vegetables, and potatoes all contain vitamin B6 (with the skin)
  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and bananas, as well as onions, broccoli, and spinach, contain vitamin C.
  • Vitamin E can be found in almonds, sunflower and safflower oil, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, and spinach.
  • Yogurt, cheese, milk, salmon, and leafy green vegetables are also rich in Calcium.
  • Spinach, broccoli, legumes, nuts, and whole-wheat bread are high in Magnesium.
  • Meat, milk, bananas, vegetables, nuts, and legumes are all high in Potassium.
  • Meat, shellfish, legumes, and whole grains are high in Zinc.

Since experts believe that your body extracts vitamins more efficiently from food rather than supplements, eating a well-balanced diet is the safest way to support your immune system.


Physical exercise isn’t just for toning muscles and de-stressing; it’s also important for staying healthy and supporting a strong immune system. So how to boost immune system with exercise?

Exercise will support your immune system by enhancing the general circulation, making it easier for immune cells and other infection-fighting molecules to pass through your body.

Studies have shown that even 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercises, which may include a walk or a quick jog, a day will help the immune system function better.

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Water performs several functions in the body, including immune system support. Lymph, fluid in your circulatory system that transports vital infection-fighting immune cells throughout your body, is all water. Dehydration allows lymph to pass more slowly, which can lead to immune system issues.

And if you aren’t running or sweating, you are continuously wasting water through your breath, urine, and bowel movements. Make sure you’re replacing the water you miss with water you can use to help your immune system, which starts with understanding how much water you need.

Don’t Compromise Sleep

Even if you don’t know it, your body is busy while you’re sleeping. Important infection-fighting molecules, for example, are produced when you sleep.

People who don’t get enough proper sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to viruses like the common cold, according to reports. It’s important to understand how much sleep you get every night, as well as what steps to take if your sleep is failing, to give your immune system the greatest chance of fighting infection and disease.

Don’t Stress It!

It’s important to consider how stress impacts your health, and the effect it has on your immune system, whether it comes on unexpectedly or steadily. When your body is under stress, particularly chronic stress that is frequent and long-lasting, it reacts by triggering a stress response. As a part of this stress response, your immune system is suppressed, raising your risk of infection or disease.

Everyone’s stress levels and coping mechanisms are unique. It’s important to understand how to recognize tension because of the negative impact it can have on your wellbeing. You can also become acquainted with the practices that help you refocus, whether it’s deep breathing, meditation, prayer, or exercise.

Instead of depending on promises on a sticker, try keeping up with the lifestyle practices mentioned above to help improve the immune system.

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