10 Qualities of People Who Are Highly Respected

Qualities of people who are highly respected

Respect is a feeling of deep admiration that is evoked by some action, achievement, or ability. We usually respect the people we admire because we want to be like them or we want them to like us back. Respect is something one has to earn and it is a two-way process. To get the respect you must give respect and that is one of the most notable qualities of the people who are highly respected. Respect tends to be associated with higher levels of happiness and the building of healthier relationships with those around you.

Qualities of People Who Are Highly Respected

Although people who are highly admired have various unique qualities; however, some of the general qualities you may adopt in order to earn respect from others are discussed below:

  • Supportive
  • Flexible
  • Non-Judgemental
  • Down to Earth
  • Resilient
  • Warmth
  • Competent 
  • Honest
  • Let go of Anger
  • Accept Mistakes


Qualities of people who are highly respected

You will note people who are supportive of others are most admired. No one likes a person who criticises others all the time for no apparent reason. Since it is a two-way process you have to respect others by supporting their opinions, choices and life decisions. Each and every person is intelligent and unique enough to make their own decisions. All they want is someone to be by their side, when they need it the most. When you are always ready to lend a hand to the people in need, it can allow them to depend on you and when someone can depend on you they will eventually start admiring you for your helpful actions. Being the first to understand, to lead and to organise will allow you to gain greater recognition and strength. You can show supportiveness by:

  • Loving everyone for who they are
  • Work on yourself 
  • Apologising when you are wrong
  • Understand others situation
  • Learn to communicate respectfully


Qualities of people who are highly respected

The other quality is openness to change, since one can not live a life with rigidity, you have to be flexible towards others. Being rigid can seriously hinder your natural selection and may even cause you to fall back in life. When you become flexible to the change around you and adapt accordingly it will make you a bigger person and allow you to be more resilient in life. People will respect you for your change in opinion and it makes them feel like you are an understanding person. This quality will allow you to be more self-aware and to understand the deeper perspective of others. You should practise the following things in order to be flexible in life:

  • Move on in life
  • Think about future
  • Create goals 
  • Use non-conventional methods to achieve your goals
  • Start with little steps

Non- Judgemental

Qualities of people who are highly respected

Judging others is for sure not a good habit and it can greatly affect your relationship with people around you. Everyone has perfect and reasonable reasons for their behaviour; therefore, the judgement is only showing your lack of empathy rather than their mistake. By being non-judgmental you give others a chance to get comfortable around you and show their original self. When others are able to show their true self around you they will surely admire you for allowing them to do so. You can avoid the being judgemental by practising the following skills:

  • Understand the difference in opinions
  • Be empathetic towards others
  • Learn to accept changes
  • Improve your body language 
  • Create genuineness in your intentions

Down to Earth

Another quality is being down to earth as pride and arrogance can not take you anywhere in life, rather it will make you miss a lot of important things. Would you like someone who is arrogant? The answer is a very easy and basic “no”. The more unpretentious and modest you are the more likeable you will be among your circle. You can achieve this attribute by practising the following steps:

  • Skip the urge to control things
  • Live each moment
  • Don’t worry about future
  • Be comfortable in your own skin
  • Don’t over analyse the situations


Another important feature is being resilient and your ability to endure all the challenges life is putting on your way. This quality will allow you to reach your goals even when people around you give up. People admire such attributes because resilience is a very unique quality and not everyone acquires this quality. You can achieve resilience in life by following the steps:

  • Learn to relax
  • Be aware of your thoughts
  • Try to seek a solution instead of lingering on the problem
  • Set your goals
  • Learn from the trial and errors


Qualities of people who are highly respected

Warmth is the ability of a person to be friendly, empathetic, kind and trusting towards others. A person having these qualities can make their place in anyone’s heart. When you have a good and positive intention towards others they will eventually draw closer to you and respect you because the world nowadays is filled with negativity and in such cases, your positivity can bring light into someone’s darkness. You can have the ability of warmthness  by:

  • Being vulnerable
  • Telling your stories
  • Taking interest in others conversation
  • Giving attention
  • Smiling more


Competence shows your intelligence, efficiency, ability to achieve and power. When you will achieve greater things in life and your intelligence can be seen in your personality this will allow people to learn from you, they will see you as a role model. Everyone will admire you and want to be competent like you. You can achieve competence by:

  • Finding a mentor
  • Using your time wisely
  • Reading
  • Developing the skills
  • Learning 


Qualities of people who are highly respected

Another important feature of people who are respectable is honesty because in this era honesty and sincerity are one of the most exceptional qualities. People are intent on cheating and lying because it’s easier to lie than to be honest. If you are honest and sincere with your words and actions people will trust you more. Your genuineness will make you feel empowered because you will have nothing to hide in life.  These qualities can be gained by:

  • Softening your heart
  • Understanding the importance of truth
  • Imagining the people who trust you
  • Being comfortable with who you are
  • Using your body language wisely
  • Understanding your moral obligations

Let go of Anger

Another important feature is being calm and content as much as you can because people don’t really respect someone who spits bad words while they are angry. If you respect others around you by not being angry and redirecting your anger in a positive way, people will not only realise their mistake but respect you for confronting them with so much respect. You can practice to let go of your anger by:

  • Changing your surrounding
  • Taking deep breaths
  • Being mindful
  • Carefully analyse your words
  • Maintaining a positive body language

Accept Mistakes

Qualities of people who are highly respected

Since no one is perfect and we all make mistakes in our lives, mistakes are the part of the learning process that will eventually make us better. Hence, always own your mistakes and try to correct them as soon as you can. People will surely respect you for accepting the mistake as it takes courage to accept when we are wrong. You can practice this attribute by:

  • Empathising with the one you have hurt
  • Make amends as soon as possible
  • Talk to someone to get help
  • Work on your thought process
  • Plan your next steps

Respect is Earned by Actions!!

People may fall for your words for a limited time period but they will always value your actions because it shows the honesty of your words. Instead of making excuses for your behaviour, try to improve them, take the lead on your mistakes and correct them in the best possible way. Try to prove your words by putting them into action. People will respect you when they see the work done.

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